Homeowners, developers, architects, builders, attorneys, financial institutions and government agencies trust Hancock Associates for strategic planning, project oversight, thorough documentation, clear communication and superior service. And with land surveying, civil engineering and wetland science services all under one roof, clients know we offer expertise and efficiencies not found at other land surveying, civil engineering and wetland science firms.
By using the latest equipment in land surveying, civil engineering and wetland science and providing thoughtful analysis, we provide clients with accurate, thorough and timely completion of projects of any size and sector.
When you have Hancock Associates on the team from the start, we can identify physical, environmental and regulatory constraints, communicate with public and private agencies and avoid potential obstacles to obtaining project permits and approvals.
The land surveyors at Hancock Associates are licensed professionals with extensive experience. To provide you with the best in the field, we build on that knowledge base through continuing education and training. We invest in the latest equipment, computers and software so we’re well-equipped to handle your project accurately and efficiently, and our land surveying department is always well-staffed to ensure your project is handled timely.
The civil engineers at Hancock Associates are dedicated to each project from inception to completion, no matter how large or small. We have a unique body of expertise and are well-respected by regulatory boards and commissions for our thorough and straightforward style and by clients for our guidance and innovative solutions.
The wetland scientists at Hancock Associates are passionate about balancing the success of your project with conserving the natural environment. This is achieved by thoroughly examining each site, analyzing the built environment and determining how adjacent wetlands and coastal resources are formed, how they work, how to best protect them and in some instances, make new ones.
Hancock Associates has acquired historical records from numerous land surveying and civil engineering firms, creating a vast archive of records dating back to 1852. These records assist Hancock Associates in performing surveying tasks effectively and accurately and are a valuable resource for other businesses, organizations and individuals.